Managing contracts, suppliers and delivery of work can be a tedious process. At Qualinity we offer Statement of Work (SOW) management service that aims to eliminate risk and augment returns by contractually defining the project scope, objectives, timelines and deliverables.

Your Statement of Work (SOW) is intended to give you visibility and consistency with every one of your projects, outlying milestones, timelines, valuing and the specific roles and duties of your engineering specialists. By including this information inside a Statement of Work (SOW), it considers the provider responsible for execution and delivery of this work.

Each Statement of Work (SOW) will have its own particular categories, there is not a one size fits all management solution. Net2Source Inc. intends to work with you to make an individual Statement of Work (SOW).

What will your organization gain from working with Qualinity to create your Statement of Work?

  • Provider performance methodologies
  • Strategic category spend management
  • Compliancy with third party management policies and Government regulations
  • Specialist tracking
  • Compliance detailing and benchmarking
  • Financial related and operational controls

Qualinity will make a Statement of Work for your engineering contractual workers to satisfy your business requirements and needs.  Working as a team we will manage any issues that may emerge amid the principal phases of the Statement of Work and approach these together to diagram necessary planning and data gathering.

Our aim is to become a part of your business and work with you to satisfy your contract and temporary staffing needs.